One of the most exciting wastewater treatment plant modernisation projects in the world is currently being implemented at the Western Treatment Plant near Melbourne. The Western Treatment Plant, which treats approximately half of Melbourne’s sewage, has been treating the wastewater mainly using a combination of large-scale lagoon system and activated sludge plants. This method is increasingly reaching its limits and ability to meet the discharge quality limits to Port Philip Bay. Over the years, the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee has been upgraded in stages to conventional wastewater treatment with aeration tanks and the treatment capacity increased.
As part of its third stage upgrade, a new 5W Nutrient Removal Plant (NRP) will be constructed by the Australian company BMD Group to increase the Western Treatment Plant’s treatment capacity, improve discharge quality and operate in compliance with maximum energy efficiency criteria. BMD’s scope of work includes the construction of five combined bioreactor-clarifier tanks and associated feed, waste activated sludge and effluent discharge pipeline connections along with ancillary buildings, pump stations and commissioning services. The proposed works will facilitate the elimination of current high-risk maintenance works and provide the opportunity to implement lower cost, more energy efficient treatment technology through the short cut nitrogen removal process.
Strip diffuser technology from AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau in Lower Austria plays a key role in the new overall concept. Diffusers supply the microorganisms in the aeration tanks of the wastewater treatment plant with vital oxygen: "Our AEROSTRIPs have been proven to save up to 40% energy compared to conventional aeration systems," emphasises Gerald Glaninger, Managing Director of AQUACONSULT. "In special settings, even significantly higher savings potential can be achieved." Thanks to these impressive values, the diffusers from Traiskirchen were also selected for the spectacular sewage treatment plant upgrade in Melbourne.
Special feature: "Christmas tree arrangement"
As part of Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant 2nd stage upgrade in 2017, around 2,000 diffusers were delivered to Australia and installed in four newly constructed aeration tanks. Those responsible at the operating organisation Melbourne Water were able to gain an excellent impression of the AEROSTRIP performance in diffuser use.
A further 5,200 strip diffusers have now been ordered from Lower Austria for the next stage of upgrade and most extensive phase of the modernisation project. They will be installed and commissioned in Werribee by the end of 2024. The arrangement of the diffusers in five huge circular aeration basins is another special feature:
"Due to the conditions on site, an optimum arrangement with different diffuser lengths was calculated, which become shorter and shorter towards the centre of the circle," explains Glaninger. This "Christmas tree arrangement" enables seamless and uniform aeration of the wastewater volumes and further increases energy efficiency.
After the conversion, the Western Treatment Plant treats approximately 485 million litres of wastewater per day - almost half of Melbourne's wastewater. The new 5W NRP Plant will treat approximately 150 million litres of wastewater per day. "We are very proud to be able to make a significant technological contribution to the success of this unique and internaonally acclaimed wastewater treatment plant project with our solution," emphasises Gerald Glaninger.
AEROSTRIPs in use worldwide
The innovative strip diffusers from Traiskirchen are now used in more than 2,500 industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants around the world. AQUACONSULT can currently look back on some very special references, such as the "Alte Emscher" wastewater treatment plant in Duisburg - one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in Germany - or the largest wastewater treatment plants in Copenhagen (Lyneten, Damhusåen and Avedore).
The decision of the respective operators to use AEROSTRIPs in their plants always results in high energy and CO2 savings compared to conventional diffuser technologies.
AEROSTRIP® strip diffusers from AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau GmbH are currently in use in more than 2,500 industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants worldwide. Thanks to ongoing research and development work and regular performance tests, the strip diffuser manufactured by AQUACONSULT under the name AEROSTRIP® can today be regarded as one of the most efficient representatives of fine-bubble deep diffusers. The AEROSTRIP® is manufactured exclusively at the company's Austrian headquarters in Traiskirchen (Lower Austria), where around 40 people are employed. AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau GmbH was founded in 1986 as a manufacturer of fine-bubble deep diffusers and became part of SANKI Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2006. AQUACONSULT's international partner companies have extensive engineering expertise and experience in aeration technology. A list of all international sales partners can be found on the product website www.aerostrip.at, information on AQUACONSULT can be found at www.aquaconsult.at
Badener Straße 46
A-2514 Traiskirchen
+43-2252 41 481-0